Travel, in motion
Brand / TV / UX / Online / Social
TV Creative
Brand Motion
UI Motion
Internal Creative
Social Media
When Kayak brought their European brand marketing and production in-house, we were asked to augment their staff creative group with a range of motion design expertise.
Working closely with teams across the organization, we used motion to bring designs to life—from extensive TV campaigns to precisely detailed icon animations.
A complete motion solution for an in-house brand marketing agency.
Motion—a key piece of the creative puzzle.
Kayak's ambitious TV creative strategy includes airing in dozens of markets across Europe—from Portugal to Poland, and dozens of points in-between.
With the aim of capturing attention in a variety of diverse locations, cultures, and languages, our objective was to create TV and digital spots capable of resonating across an entire continent, eliminating the need for location-specific tweaks or subsequent reshoots.
For the motion design components of these campaigns, we leaned into templated and modular structures. From early concepts through design and production, we built deliverables to be scalable, versatile, and adaptable.
As a result, a single batch of creative assets could be repurposed and adapted dozens of times and customized in critically unique ways.
TV creative in a multitude of markets over several campaigns.
From broadcast to broadband.
Experimentation and iteration.
How quickly can we tell a story? 30 seconds? 15 seconds? 5 seconds? Even less?
Attention on social media is notoriously spare (and shrinking by the day), which gives brands precious few seconds—or even fractions of seconds—to make an impact before their messages are scrolled away.
Motion design can be a highly effective storytelling tool. A well-conceived 10-frame transition might convey the same message as a 40-frame standalone scene, making delivery more efficient, and maximally exploiting fleeting viewer attention.
Our aim was to streamline messaging as much as possible, while maintaining consistent, on-brand delivery.
One of our favorite challenges was stripping our stories down to their bare essences, reducing all the excess we could find, and seeing just how short we could make our messaging.
A layer of motion where it matters most.
UI/UX Motion
Kayak places a significant emphasis on iconography and movement within its visual language. User feedback, intuitive transitions, and delightful microinteractions support the brand and enhance engagement.
We brought key icons and UI elements to life with nuanced layers of motion, working within the platform's design library and collaborating across the organization.
One creative solution for dozens of markets.

Every campaign requires meticulous localization for numerous markets. Copy, dates, naming conventions, prices, icons, maps, and more needed to be customized to their specific languages and currencies.
Flexible and modular design architecture ensures these new versions of existing creative are consistent and accurate, and adaptations can be produced quickly.
We spearheaded the motion component of this intricate localization process for a range of campaigns.
Brand evolution is a conversation.
Brand Manifestos & Internal Projects
Before great work can begin, teams have to share ideas, articulate a common purpose, and learn to speak their own design language.
Internal work helps give shape to abstract visions, helping teams communicate with clarity, and work toward a shared design goal for the company and the brand.